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Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our shop and browse through the products and select the one you want to buy by clicking on it. Once you’re on the product page, read the product details, specifications, and customer reviews to make sure it meets your needs. Click the "Add to Cart" button if you might want to shop more, or "Buy Now" if you’re ready to purchase. If you added the product to your cart, click on the cart icon and then “Checkout” to proceed. If you clicked "Buy Now," you’ll be taken directly to the checkout page. Review your order by checking all the details including order amount, shipping address, and payment method. Then, click on "Place Order" to complete your purchase.
Yes, Small Steps Skin products are safe for pregnant women and lactating moms. Our products are made with gentle and safe ingredients. You may also consult with your doctor before trying new products.
Yes, Small Steps Skin products are FDA approved.
Orders are usually shipped within 1-2 business days. You can view the estimated shipping date on the product page and in your order confirmation. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number which allows you to track your package via the 'My Orders' section of your account.